SexTo is FREE
You can enjoy your favorite videos without paying anything.
A lot of videos
80000+ Videos, every day new videos.
Secure and private
Restrict access to the SexTo application by setting pass code. No browser history to erase.

Endless Content
When scrolling down more videos will appear automatically.
24 HOT categories
Some of the most popular are: amateur, anal, blowjob, gay, hardcore, lesbian, milf, teen...
Works on all devices
Optimized for phone and tablet for an optimal user experience.
Click on the screenshots to view larger images
Install app
A Few Steps Left
1. Go to Settings on your device
2. Enter "Security" section
3. Tick the "Unknown sources" checkbox
4. Open downloaded file sexto_porn_app.apk and confirm installation
Works on Android 4.0 and newer
Force Download
What is SexTo application?
SexTo is free android porn app which offers thousands of free videos.
How much does SexTo application cost?
SexTo is completely free of charge. SexTo won't charge you anything to watch or download videos.
Does this app work on tablets?
Yes, SexTo will work on most 7-inch and 10-inch screen android tablets.
What permissions does the SexTo app require?
SexTo app uses only the permissions necessary for the application, INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE for watching videos, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE for download videos. This app not collecting any of your personal information!
I have iPhone can I watch videos?
Yes you can watch videos on your iPhone or any other mobile phones like windows phone, blackberry if you visit our site: sexto.mobi